② What is “AMITA”?
“AMITA-lightandlife-” is an installation work jointly created by photographer Kenji Ishiguro and contemporary buddhist monk Hougu Kawakami.
Ishiguro has spent more than half a century photographing various scenes on earth. Kawakami edited these photographs and combined them with effects such as sound, video, and lighting to turn the entire Linkukan into a single spatial exhibition piece.[exhibition space photograph:Hajime Honda]

The Buddha’s Amida Sutra, which is said to have been established in northwestern India around 100 AD, describes that there is a Buddhist country called “Pure land” to the west of the “Saha world” in which we live.
It is written that there is a Buddha named “AMITA.”
amitabha … Eternal light
amitayus … Generous life

Gautama Buddha said that the world we live in is “clouded with earthly desires.” However, in his later years, he is said to have expressed his admiration, “Oh, this world is wonderful.”
Because this world is full of “wonder,” you may find it indescribably “wonderful.”

What a wonder! How wonderful!
We hope that you can experience the “eternal light and life” preached in the Amida Sutra during your experience at Linkukan.

南 無 阿 弥 陀 仏
n a m a m d h a b u d