Ⅰ03.Becoming One with the Buddha
The Mahayana Nirvana Sutra, a Buddhist scripture that originated in India, states that “All living beings have the nature of Buddha within them.” This means that all living beings have the potential to become Buddhas.
To become a Buddha means to attain enlightenment. To attain enlightenment must not only be to understand the truth, but to embody the truth. “TRUTH” is the unquestionable “REALITY”, and it is the very essence of Buddha. In Mahayana Buddhism, all living beings are seen as having the potential to embody reality and truth.
Based on these Buddhist thoughts, a uniquely Japanese Buddhism was formed by fusing it with East Asian spirituality. It is the idea that “the nature of Buddha is inherent in mountains, rivers, grass, trees, etc.”
I think it is common sense in Western society to think of mountains and rivers as places in nature, and that grass and trees are simply plants. However, Japanese people have a unique sense that allows them to sense the life inherent in not only plants and trees, but also fire, water, stone, and soil.
There are even classical poems which say that not only animals and plants, but minerals too can become Buddhas just like humans. This may seem strange not only to Westerners but also to Buddhists outside of Japan. However, the Japanese have had this view of nature since ancient times.
In the original Buddhism preached by Gautama Buddha, “Joubutsu” is simply a human being attaining enlightenment through their own training. It means that a human being becomes a Buddha through his own will and actions. However, in Mahayana Buddhism, which has been significantly updated in Japan, the meaning of “Joubutsu” has changed to something different.
Rather, it is a way of thinking that can be interpreted as “becoming one with the Buddha.” This may be close to the meaning of “becoming one with the state of enlightenment that the Buddha has attained.” And it may be rephrased as “returning to a unified life stream”

The essence of the Buddha is something that transcends material, fixed, limited existence.
I think that the essence of Buddha is “eternal light and life.” The Buddha’s radiant, vibrant life energy is so abundant that it overflows without limit. It is the embodiment of truth and reality.
The Buddhism scriptures state that through the Buddha’s salvation, we also can attain a similar state. It states that there is a world where all existence is merged with “eternal light and life.” It states that through the Buddha’s salvation, we can become one with “eternal light and life” This is the state of one mind also known as “oneness.”
We see each individual living organism as separate and distinct. However, the origin of all of this is the same one life energy and perhaps we are all connected.
I think Japanese people have a sensibility that allows them to naturally accept themselves as part of the interconnectedness of life. I believe that Japanese Buddhism, formed from such sensibilities, has been passed down through the generations to the present day, in which we live.
Ⅰ_Japanese Spirituality
02. Thanks to all living beings for my life here and now.
03. Becoming One with the Buddha
04. Light from the other shore
Ⅱ_The teachings of Buddha and Mahayana thought
01. HANAMATSURI -The Beginnings of Buddhism-
02. Anyone can become a Buddha, it depends on you.
Ⅲ_Prince Shotoku’s Buddhist Dharma
01. Buddha in Japan
02. Ideal of sincerity, courtesy, and harmony
03. What’s false? What’s truth?
Ⅳ_The true state of mind conveyed by Shinran
01. The Three Treasures of Buddhism
03. Neither a monk nor an layperson
Ⅴ_Listen to namamdhabud